I have set up the Google Maps keys properly and have been going over this for hours now. I have NO ides why I am having maps and location issues. i have the Google Cloud API’s activated, billing activated, the keys re correct and for some reason I cannot get location to work the right way. Sometimes it does work and sometimes it doesnt. I cant get the geolocation search dropdown to work or current location to work. Its bizzare I have other apps that I have no issue with. Does anyone have any ideas. I do have a console error and I get an additonal one saying google places API isnt activated but it is and under the correct billing account. The only thing i notice is that Bubble used to require both Google Places API (Legacy and New) but Google doesnt allow you to add that anymore. I’m pulling my hair out on this one. - Thanks in advance.
I pulled my hair out with google maps API for a while myself before changing to the mapbox maps plugin, and everything works super smooth since then.
Hi There,
I have the same issue, opened tickets with both Google and Bubble.
Google confirmed my setup in the cloud console is fine but mentioned a need for an update in “my code” to get the migration from legacy to new places API to work!
*Yes, before there were 2 Places API. One was Places API (Legacy) and the other is Places API (New). The reason behind why Places API (Legacy) is not available, is because on March 1st there were a couple of changes made. In those changes made, Places API, alongside Directions API and Distance Matrix API, transitioned to Legacy Status. *
Here is more information on Legacy Status.
*Legacy products and features | Google Maps Platform | Google for Developers *
*Additionally, new projects (created since March 1st) are no longer able to use these Legacy API. *
*Please note that since you created your project on March 4th, you are no longer able to use the Places API (Legacy). You will have to use the Places API (New) in your project. *
Here I will leave you a handful of links you can use to better understand how to migrate and how the API works:
Migration Guides:
*Web Service: Migration overview | Places API | Google for Developers *
JavaScript: Migration overview | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers
General Overviews:
*Web Service: About the Places API (New) | Google for Developers *
*JavaScript: Place Class | Maps JavaScript API | Google for Developers *
I hope this information helps your case.
If you have any questions, please contact me, I will be more than happy to help out.
Reported the answer from Google to Bubble they are currently investigating. I hope they will update the code then
Thanks for the detailed response! This makes sense. So Bubble needs to update code on their end for this to work again. Anyone that created Google Maps Keys after March 4th are at the mercy of Bubble until they fix it.
Hey there,
Looks like the answer is way simpler
You need to reach the overview page and finish all the remaining set up there
This includes clicking on the enable APIs button and completing your profile
It solved the unauthorized error at least, not sure about the inconsistent behavior however