I am attempting to use the Google Maps API as a repeating group layout in order to show salons near the user. This layout was shown in the “Using External APIs” Lesson but it was specifically for Itunes. How would I make this possible for the Google Maps API?
I have attached a screenshot below of exactly how I want the screen to use. I used a prototyping tool to make the screen shot.
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Signup to Google Developers to get a Places API key (do a search if you are stuck, I posted instructions a few weeks ago).
Instal the Place Plugin.
Have a Repeating Group on your page, which has the “Get Google Places” API as a source. You will probably need “Nearby” and a Type.
Put a Map in the cell, single marker on the Cell’s Address.
Pull the text back in the same way.
The “Directions” part will need a bit of thinking about, but has been done before.
Link to very scrappy example
I must be missing something. Even when I pull your “scrappy” example over into a preview page nothing is loading. My api shows the requests adding up but nothing displays in the browser. Simply trying to Get the Name at this point. Any advice on debugging for the newbie? I’ve looked at videos and you’re set up is the same and I’ve tried to match it exactly. Nothing displays.