Weird display of repeating group

HI guys !

I’m trying to display customer’s google place’s reviews. I setted up the API of google place and now I’m trying to figure it out how to display the datas. I use “get date from external api” and I use the place ID to retrieve the datas I need.

Actually I saw it working 2 hours ago, but now it’s not working anymore. The API keys are still the same and my repeating group is not displaying as it should :

It should look like this

But it actually looks like this in the preview

Do you guys know what can be the issue here ?

A little up here because I really need help with this !

Honestly there are so many things that could be going wrong I don’t have a place to begin. Is the data from the API coming through? If you threw the output to a text box does it display info?

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Well, the data coming from the API comes only once per day, I think. This morning, the reviewers photos were there and when I refresh the page, it’s gone.

This morning :

And then after refreshing the page, it’s gone again :

What I think it’s may be related to privacy setting.
Did you try to log in as a user?

In debug mode, you can check which data is fetched by your RG and help you to find the issue.

Yes, actually, the data correspond to the placeID of a user. I’m gonna have a look to the privacy settings then