Google Photos on

Is it possible to build a photo management application that is more or less similar to Google Photos? So app can have several users > each user allocated X amount of data storage > users can upload photos into album etc.

If not possible, does Google Photos have some sort of API that will generate a google photo album link associated with users gmail?

Yes this part is no problem. May want to use your own external S3 storage for possibly lower costs but better control than the default Bubble storage.

What will be hard to do is their smart AI detection for objects and faces, unless you incorporate another API to process every single photo being uploaded which might cost a lot.

Also Google Photos has all those fancy options like photo editing and video trimming which would be hard to reproduce in Bubble

Each has their pros and cons

Wasabi for just the cheapest storage possible

AWS S3 might make the most sense if you were doing a bunch of post-image processing like compression, thumbnails, AI detection/classification, etc.

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Same applies to Google Cloud Storage

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Oh wow, I didn’t think it would be possible. I don’t care much about the AI/Classification or photo editing rn. I just care about people being allocated say 250 MB per album and they can create their own album add their own photos etc.

I am very new to bubble. Would you happen to know if there are any tutorials cloning google photos? Or something similar so I can at least learn what that process is like?

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I don’t know any tutorials off the top of my head specific to this. Definitely possible though. If you are new new definitely just go through the Bubble starter lessons and get a feel for the platform :smiley:

Just do the Wasabi plugin that’s the one I use. (Require your own Wasabi account, you pay them for storage bucket $7 per TB)

The gist of it is that plugin will trigger an event on every file uploaded, so for each file you just need to create a File (datatype you make) and save all the values like filename, file size, the User that uploaded it, the Album (new datatype), etc.

Now that allows you to add a condition that sums the file sizes in the database uploaded by the user, then either allow the upload or warn the user they can’t upload :smiley:

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