Google Places guide

Hello team,
Previously, I was able to use a Search Box with Geographic places which resulted in an auto-completed address.

Since then, I’ve moved away from Bubble hosting the API and currently using my own. I’ve followed the instructions of the documentation and setup however, I can’t seem to duplicate the same results.

Does anyone have “detailed” instructions here on Bubble?

The goal is to have the user:

  1. Enter in an address in the search box and allow the autocomplete to offer a suggestion.
  2. Once they find their address, and hit enter, the address is saved in the DB
  3. Lastly, the saved address information is displayed in Google Maps.

Note. The Maps image says “Development purposes only”.

Hi @brentparker76,

It’s probably one of the following:

  1. Your project in Google console ( is not linked to a Billing account

  2. You have not enabled the right APIs in the console (enable Maps Javascript, Geocoding, Places to cover a bunch of bases)

  3. Your API key might need an http referrer set up (not set to to “none”)

Check on those.

Gaby at Coaching No Code Apps (formerly Coaching Bubble)

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Thanks @romanmg.

I’ve checked all three areas and I still have "Development purposes only"16-21-10-40


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