Group Focus Toggle Animates Very Slowly?

Hello Bubble Friends,
The toggle workflow to show a group focus dropdown menu is animating very slowly? It’s plenty fast enough the second time you click on it, but the initial click is sluggish and stilted.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance!

Screen Recording 2024-10-25 at 4.37.35 PM

Seems more of a bubble thing than anything. What’s happening I believe is the calculation/logic is possibly slowing the rendering.

If you want, I’ll let you try my Droppy plugin, as it allows you a bit more customization.

Free for beta testers!

Thanks for the reply. I’ve since stumbled upon solutions for most of the issues, so that’s progress. The slow toggle remains and the reset data function doesn’t seem to be operating how I expect it to.

Thanks for the offer of the plugin, I’ll consider it if things don’t get better! Let me know if you have any other thoughts.

Ola, e não daria para colocar um alerta, de carregando pagina em um popup ? é uma saída já que parece que tem muitos dados a escolher no dropdown. o usuário vai ser informado de que esta sendo carregado, você coloca para fechar a tela de aviso assim que o dropdown > 0

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