DROPPY | Your beautiful RG-Based Dropdown [FREE BETA]


Sick of native Bubble’s dropdown?

Droppy is here to help you. With more flexibility and customization, Droppy can make sure your applications UI looks better than ever.

How does it work?

Droppy is a dropdown UI component that will allow you to make any data look good. You simply use a REPEATING GROUP that will act as your menu with your MENU ITEMS inside. The plugin will find the elements that you have specified through the properties and inject them into your dropdown (with styling, icons, colors, and conditionals). You can basically setup your own logic within your MENU ITEM reusable element. It is important you follow how the structure of this MENU ITEM is, because the plugin depends on a certain hierarchy of element ID’s to be able to scan for values/labels. Below is an example of what that element should look like.

What? What Hierarchy?

Each MENU ITEM you inject into the dropdown, will have a certain structure. It needs to be grouped in a way where the plugin will know what parts of your MENU ITEM are going to.


As you can see, the elements are arranged in a way we’d like to call SLOTS. Each slot serves its purpose and is wrapped in the proper ID’s. This method allows you to have custom labels, values, and even conditionals (coming later) where-as you’ll be able to have a ton of data inside these elements that the plugin will be able to read later on.

You must expose your applications HTML ATTRIBUTES to be able to use this plugin and then you must follow how that MENU ITEM looks. After that, you refer to your REPEATING GROUP (will be hidden near the dropdown or dropdown page), and then you get the results as you have seen.

Testers Needed

I’m still not sure if I’m going to offer the plugin free or not, but for now I need testers and am offering the plugin completely free for those who want to play with it now and see how well it will work for you.

Main features

  • You can customize the suffix, prefix, and label very easily without any sophisticated setups.
  • Mobile friendly
  • Fast and responsive
  • 100% looks better and feels better than native Bubble dropdown.
  • Preview actually shows you something
  • Your own logic can be applied to each item as you wish. This LISTENS TO YOUR WORKFLOW ACTIONS.


Coming soon

  • More customization on the panel (colors, borders, etc)
  • Panel opened/shown states
  • Custom button trigger
  • Add/remove items
  • Sort items
  • Replace items

When to expect release?

Very soon. I got updates I want to release before deciding what to do with this, and have some more work to do with clients.

How can I get involved?

Go to our Discord or reply here and I’ll shoot you a message where I can get your app-ID.


@GH5T Cory i’d welcome the opportunity to beta test for you. I use the Bubble dropdown… not knocking it…but lack the finesse your’s looks to provide

Sure thing! Shoot me a DM with the app-ID you’d like me to send the plugin to.

I’ll also make a preview page for people to check out soon to see how to set it up and in action. Still have to decide overall if it’s going to be free, although it has taken me quite some time to figure out the logic.