I don’t know why this has decided to stop working correctly, but I didn’t make any changes to it and it has stopped being responsive.
I have a group that is set up to be a layer to shade a video set on page.
I have multiple groups on the page set up exactly the same way and this is the only one that has stopped functioning correctly. All are set up exactly the same way because, oddly enough, this is the group at the top of the page, which all subsequent groups with a copy of.
Makes no sense to me why it has stopped stretching as it is set to do.
I also am having problems with a popup not stretching as it is set to do and posted a few minutes ago about that issue as well, then I ran into this after opening the preview window.
Any ideas of how to fix this besides just deleting it and building a new one…I am actually quite frustrated with the number of times I have needed to delete and rebuild working functions/elements/apps lately.
There isn’t anything really wrong with the setup. It was working consistently since I created it. Then today I loaded it up and saw it. So, without making any changes it occurred, and none of the other groups set up in the exact same way are having issues.
Just curious if anybody else has been experiencing lately any issues, as today two similar issues have occurred and I am hoping there might be some notification to the bubble team on it, if in fact other people are having the issue and can demonstrate through a reproducible example for the bubble team to take it up. Otherwise I suppose I will just be forced to delete and rebuild another element.
Just deleted the group element and created a new one and it works fine with the same setup, so seems like nothing was wrong with how I approached the element and the responsiveness, just some strange issue that seems to take place somewhat frequently. The frequently occurring issue seems to be that things just stop working for no reason and the only solution is to rebuild it.
Since you’re asking for input from others, Ill say that this isn’t something I’ve observed on my apps in the 3 years I’ve been using Bubble. Important to note, however: I use very few plugins, and zero plugins that impact anything a user sees visually. Most breaking layout issues I’ve seen involve a plug-in. Not suggesting that’s you’re case, just providing input based on what I’ve seen. Glad you got it resolved.
I have seen issues with plugins and try to stay away from them as well, not because of the issues, but because sometimes they involve things a bit to complicated for my limited understanding.
It has been a strange thing that I have been experiencing with bubble the last month that things I build work and then randomly stop without any changes being made to the app. I’ve also built some complex pages with multiple workflows that don’t work consistently, then rebuild in another new app and they work fine.
Been a real drag on development as I first try a plethora of possible fixes that lead me nowhere, then I turn to building over in a new app to see if it is my approach or not, and find it’s not the approach, but rather strange behavior that is not reproducible, so not able to label as a bug.
This just started happening again, on a different element meant to “shade” the pages video.
How do I get bubble team to check into this besides emailing them? I at this point can’t keep deleting and rebuilding every other element on the app and it is the same issue.
Group element is not a set width but doesn’t stretch the page width, despite the fact that it was working since I originally built it and I have not changed anything in the app.