Group within repeating groups

I’m following this video and tried to recreate the same thing in my project:

Initially i created a repeating group, and within each sub-group, i created a regular group where i added multiple text boxes. But within a text box, i’m not able to dynamically add the data i want. For example, i created a data type called “insurance detail” which includes fields like insurance name, insurance company, etc. I’m not able to add those things to my text box using “dynamically insert”

To solve this, i tried removing the sub-group within each repeating groups. However, that way i’m not able to follow the video and convert all text boxes within the repeating group into one single reusable element.

Here is link to my app:

When you add a group in a repeating group you have to still indicate the data source. It’s parent group’s thing or current cell’s thing.


Two suggestions to consider:

  • a text element renders data, it cannot hold data
  • press shift, select all needed text elements, right click, choose “group elements in a group”, and you will now have a group that can pass on data down to those text elements. each text element should display “parent group … x y z text data that you want rendered … or shown”. the parent group should receive data from its parent

Hope this sheds a little light on what you are trying to accomplish :smiley:


thank you !

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