GroupFocus with Show Focus not working

Hi all,

I have attempted to follow this wonderful tutorial on how to create an auto-complete search box:

While the search function works when the icon is clicked to show results:

I can’t get the Group Focus to stay visible while the user is typing in the search box.

The image below shows how the function is supposed to work. Workflow should show the group focus when the shape is visible. The shape is visible only when the search box has focus.

I can see the Group Focus show for a brief instant when the search box gets focus, but it doesn’t stay visible.

Here is a link to the app:

Huge thanks in advance to any and all advice.

@SerPounce Found a quick fix - added a pause in the “Do When” workflow event. I think the problem is a timing issue. One thing is happening too fast before the other thing. The pause seems to fix it. You can play around with the amount of time to find the sweet spot (so that it’s a minimal pause).

Thanks for the awesomely quick response @romanmg. I received another suggestion from @fayewatson as well that negates the need for the shape hack.



and BTW @romanmg your videos are awesome and so very helpful. I recently subscribed to your VIP service level and am learning fast and furious.

And this auto-complete tutorial was a doozy! With these additional tips, it has provided the exact solution I need.

Thank you so much.

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Sweet! Glad you’re able to move forward and happy to hear you’re enjoying VIP :smile:

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