Having data from a repeating group show up in another page


I can’t seem to get something from the repeating group of one page to show on another page correctly.

For example, when I try to “do a search for Product’s title” on the “Product” page, all three titles for the “products” I have in my database show up instead of the specific one I clicked on in the “Home” page.

Hello @marquismb.mb welcome to the community!

  • Page 1: repeating group with type product and data source search products and a group called “rg row” with data source “current cell product”
  • Page2: page with type product and an image and text elements to see the picture and name of the product
  • Click on RG row of page1 starts an action to “go to page2” and sending the “current cell product”

Just fixed my problem; basically I added a “unique id = get path from page URL” constraint in the “search for products” section.

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