Hey there! I’m having these time-out issues. My app is very simple, it’s a timer for taking 30-second breaks every 15 minutes. This happens 3 times, after the 4th 15-minute timer/countdown ends, I have a 10-minute break and when that ends, it restarts the entire workflow in a loop.
Here is my app in read-only so you can see my workflow: https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=index&version=test&id=taketen&tab=tabs-2
It starts timing out at random times, it could be during the first 15-minute workflow event block that counts down or it could be the third. It’s sporadic so it’s not exactly a specific event.
… and when it DOES time out it shows the native prompt alert on the front-end.
Sorry, we ran into a temporary bug and can’t complete your request. We’ll fix it as soon as we can; please try again in a bit!
This message stemmed from the autorun.run_once timeout
causes the timer to not function and clicking okay, everything is at a dead stop.
autorun.run_once timeout
This error it’s linking to is this Bubble Page Load script?window._bubble_page_load_data.run_js_start = Date.now();
I’m assuming this correlates to the page load event block. My page load block consists of asking browser notification permissions, animating a simple text element, set Bubble’s progress bar to 0, animate in the progress bar and start the first timer when page loads.
What is the issue with these time outs? Is it my workflow for the event blocks that run a 15 minute timer? Is that too long where its causing these to load in the console a lot?
freezing workflows failed to return after 30 seconds. x15:formatted:68973
starting workflows failed to return after 30 seconds. x15:formatted:68973
… and then eventually at a random time after freezing and starting
it’ll show …
x15:formatted:6533 autorun.run_once timeout
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_js/c8e4787…/xfalse/x15:8:1437107
at r (https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_js/c8e4787…/xfalse/x15:8:1437224)
{timeout_seconds: 60, fn_source: '()=>{h.ensure_ready(h.scheduled_key,!1),z().app_la…[t]=m.dehydrate_tree(null!=n?n:null))}},()=>e())}', waiting_on: 'waiting on [KeyList(1) Switch autorun.scheduled_key ]', code: '1644016259169x152173492291603600'}
The line item it shows in the code for this above error goes to here …
I’m totally confused why this is happening. When I click on the
x15:formatted:6533 autorun.run_once timeout
at https://dhtiece9044ep.cloudfront.net/package/run_js/c8e4787…/xfalse/x15:8:1437107
It shows …
c.server_connection_problems ? a.reject(new b.UserError("BAD_CONNECTION")) : a.reject(new b.UnexpectedError("autorun.run_once timeout",{
Is this BAD_CONNECTION is related to my own internet? How hard can it be to just let my timer run and let’s say a few packets were dropped on my end, it really can’t connect again or keep trying before failing?
I have pinged Google for 5 hours with 0% packets drop. No actual “timeouts” on my network are happening when these occur.
Any help would be amazing!