Help input formulas: bubble editor frontend won't recognize my commands

Hi all.
I often have problems to insert text in combination with formulas in different fields. for example I want to calculate the current position (number) for my repeating box item.
if I insert this formula:

bubble will render the text instead of calculate :

I’m sure this is a noob question, but I realy need help.
Also how to insert text and formulas easy in the input box. This rich text editor is not really helpful here, or I’m wrong?

Best x-mas greetings

Hi @jupixy :wave:

Note that part of your expression is in blue. Parts in white.
The math expression must be all in blue. White parts are texts. And Bubble is concatenating it…

This is something that is hard to explain here :sweat_smile:

Click in the number ONE, just after the MINUS SIGN. You will note that Bubble gives you the oportunity to keep building the expression.


If I end up the expression, everything after it, will not be part of the expression. And it will be in white color.


If I keep building, note that I can complete the expression as I want. Everything in blue.


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