Hi all,
I have managed to do a decent amount of amazing things with Bubble (this app is very good!) however I cannot for the life of me figure this one out.
I have a dataset which has the following data as a example
Date: 01/01/2017
Period: 01/01/2017-30/01/2017
Gross Pay: 50001
Tax: 18001
So i’ve tried to link it up to a table to display my multiple entries but am getting stuck. The table wants to use the same field for every cell as per below
So when i generate the table, its just showing a table of dates. How can i make it that i set the repeating data i want for each column?
These are my current settings
Thanks in advance
I’m not quite understanding the issue.
I am guessing you want to display all the different attributes (date, period, gross pay, tax) all in one cell? Then, you should add different text fields in the same cell and point them to period, gross pay etc.
Hi Lakshman
Thanks for replying
I am looking for a situation where the table goes like this as a example
01/01/2017 | 1/01/2017-30/01/2017 | 50001| 18001
so each line of the table is a individual full record, not just a element.
You should change the number of columns to 1 in the repeating group and place 4 text elements next to each other in the cell pointing to these different attributes.
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Thats what i managed to figure out after your first post yes I guess thats the way to do it in bubble
Thanks for the help