Hi there, I’m new here and trying to solve a problem.
- When a user signup, the database won’t show the field name, just the previous email entered randomly or nothing Screenshot by Lightshot
Hi there, I’m new here and trying to solve a problem.
Maybe the workflows are not setup properly. See in what fields you’re storing data & whether any changes are being made to those on or after signup.
I have normal “users” as field and then I made the 2nd field and the data gets there but not correct. I don’t think is “maybe” surely is not set up properly but very hard to setup (again, first time using it)
If you need help with learning how to set it up. Let me know, I’d be happy to help.
Thanks, thats for sure, I’m struggling
You need to set the workflow to match fields according to the user that has the selected email. Workflow would be either
business name = x for current user
search for user with email example.com
business name= new business
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