Hello everyone im currently developing a single page application.
Whenever i switch through pages really fast the app breaks, for example when i navigate super fast it will show the correct page but when i click on anything workflows/actions from another page activate even though nothing from that page is visible.
Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Try spamming one of the categories and the back button and try it slowly. You will see what im talking about. In this case I know that the main page is overlapping because of the search but i dont understand how as its supposed to be hidden and i have even set it to collapse when hidden.
We need more details about your conditions and your workflows when clicking on a category to know what’s going wrong.
But in general I recommend you use a much more stable way to implement your single page app:
Create an option sets for your category if it does not exist with an attribute you can use in a url (can be the default display attribute or one you created)
When a category is clicked use the action go to page
2.1 page → index
2.2 data to send → arbitrary text made with current category display
your URL will look like “constructco.in/cement”. Cement is item #1 of your URL. you can use this technique for more levels in your app: e.g. “3constructco.in/cement/birla-white-cement” where birla-white-cement is the item #2.
On the index page, get all the “pages” not visible on page load and collapse when hidden
Add condition to each one:
5.1 When Get Data from URL(type Path segment as list and type the option set category):item1 is [select the category matching the page you want to show]
5.2 This element is visible checked
With this technique your SPA is much more stable.
You run less workflow to set state.
You have now direct path URL to in-depth pages without using parameters.