Hide Inline Icons if empty

Hello ! I’ve an inline list of icons, and I would like them to stay together when some icon’s link are empty.


When Icon’s link are empty, they are not together :


Each icon is in a group, all icon’s groups are in an other group.

Each icon’s individual group is set up like this :

not visible on page load
conditional : if icon’s link is not empty, then element (group) is visible
collapse height when hidden

I don’t find how to get them together when some icon’s links are empty and so icons are not showing, so suppress blank space between visible icons :confused: if someone has an idea.

Hey @Sarah_Esteve :wave:

I know it can be a bit tricky. I have an example you can see. Check it out.

Editor: https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=centered_icons&id=805testapp42&tab=tabs-1

Preview: https://805testapp42.bubbleapps.io/version-test/centered_icons

Just preview it without plugins. (Hover over the preview button) There is a plugin that makes the icons not show up. I still need to remove it later on. :man_shrugging:t2:

Anyways, hope that helps! :blush:

@j805 www.NoCodeMinute.com

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hello @J805

I can’t see any icons showing, is there something I missed? Thx

Yeah. Hover over the Preview button in the editor and click ‘view without any plugins’. I have to figure out which plugin is causing this bug. Then you will be able to see all the icons. :blush: I hope to figure out which plugin is causing the issue soon.

okayyyy understand. Nice Trick !

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Glad it helps. :blush:

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