So I’m trying to create a platform/portal (Pretty standard with a nav bar on the left and a secondary header nav bar) However I’ve created groups for each clickable nav button on the left to display the correct group when I click it however I can’t seem to display the group I want and hide all the rest. How would I put in conditions that say If nav button is clicked = Display group X and Hide all other groups. Is there a way to do this ?
HI Calum,
for this you can use states. States basically allow you to store data.
- On one nav buttons workflow, add a new action: Find it under element actions-> Set state. Create a new state for the nav button that is type number; eg called “item shown”. Set that state to a number, e.g. 1.
- On elements you want to show when that button is clicked, make them invisible on page load (scroll down to untick the box) and under conditional: If nav button’s state is 1: make visible.
- Go to each nav button and copy paste the workflow action. E.g. if button profile is clicked, set state to 2, if button more info is clicked, set state to 3.
- For elements you want to show, right click the conditional from 2 and copy the condition and paste it to other elements; if necessary change the condition depending which elements you want to show.
hope this works for you,
let me know if you have any questions.
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