Hiding repeating group conditionally

How do I hide a repeating group container if there are no entries by current user? Instead, I want to show single container that has a form to do entries for the repeating group.

You can do a conditional, on the repeating group, that counts the entries and if it is 0m then the repeating group is not visible. Then on the single container you can do a conditional that if the current user entries is 0 then this group is visible.

Hope this helps you.

I tried something like this but with no success. I coudn’t find entries value.

You are almost there. Simple add the following after the search:

Search For Companys:count is 0 then
This element is visible- false

I set it up this way! I’m not sure if it’s correct.

Yes that should work. Just be sure and put the same constraint that you put in the repeating group search and put it in the search for the condition so you have the same results for both searches.

Sweet! Thanks for your help. I need to keep on learning how to use this.

I will add a form next and try to add some entries with different user accounts.

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