How can i attach a calendar to a product so ppl could rent it?

hello to all and thank you for your time :slight_smile:
i am just starting and im looking for a way so ppl could rent products .
im using the free bubble plan and the full calender.

i try to open “an event” as i added a new product; so the added product will be in inventory for 1 year; but i cant understand how to attached the calander only to the product.

i saw some youtube videos that show how to send a request for booking; for renting a car or a sport field; but what im looking for is for the client to just get to the calender and rent the product in the time frame of the “event” as he (or she) please.
(i think its like booking a hotel room that you can see when its available)

more then that just like in a hotel i want more then 1 person to rent the product in advenced in the avalable time frame
so i mean multiple renting in advanced in 1 calender .

a few more points
im looking to set a build in renting time for any user that want to rent a product so lets say for a driller 3 days as defualt but they can change it for longer if they want .

also so ppl could not rent in the weekend or ather linits that when we added a product they could not rent it in these days or dates

maybe i need a diffrent plugin for that ?
would like to hear your wisdom on that issue

thank you for any info
hope its not to much to ask :slight_smile:

this is realy a great service as i keep learning

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I think this would do what you need. It’s a calendar and scheduler!

However, There are also several other “booking” plugins and templates. Do some searching and check it out!

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thank you for the link
i will check it out
i also came across this one, looks like its a very good one

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@moshemenkin I can highly recommend the FullCalendar - BA plugin :slight_smile:


if you’re interested @moshemenkin , i can give you a free 2-week trial to try it out!

ya for sure i would love to try it
i am learning so i trust you to reccomand to me so why not :slight_smile:
if it ill suite the need of the app and user that will be perfect

can you please give me a link to an app that do something similar with the plugin ?

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I would also recommend the fullcalender by BA studies. It comes with a scheduler which will save you a lot of time vs trying to build it yourself. I don’t believe the other calendar plugins include scheduling capabilities.