How can i keep from allowing the same email address when signing up from social media?

Hi, My app allows users to sign up/Login with facebook or google. My problem is that if the user signs up with facebook and email is and then signs up with google and email is also then it creates a separate account with the same email. how can i keep a user from signing up twice with the same email?

Are you sure? both accounts should be merged. Email us if not.

What if my Google email address is and the Facebook email is Is there any way of preventing duplicate accounts?

Then adding another fly in the ointment, what if 6 months later I try to log on and forgot that I used either Google or Facebook? So I try and I am not found. What is the smooth way of handling any scenario of multiple email addresses?

If the user is logged in when he authenticates with a new service, accounts are merged. But if he’s logged out, there is no way for anyone to know that is the same person as

So if the user started with a Bubble login, then later added a Facebook authentication, the accounts will be merged. What email address will that merged account show?

The email one, since it’ll be the primary email.

A condition can be made if and use the same password, correct? What are the chance of that too…

No, because passwords are hashed for security purposes. Comparing on passwords means they’d be public…