How do I make a bubble page embeddable to 3rd party website?

Hello good people of Bubble,

I was wondering if one of you can help me with a question related to embedding.

I am letting my users create a profile page and I want to help them to embed their profile contents on their own websites. Just like how you can embed google maps on your own site >> this

What is the best way to do this in a way that is easy and mobile friendly? Is there a plugin etc…

Thank you!!

You can let them embed content in an iFrame, there’s an option in the settings to allow it.

Thanks Roger, I will look into it

This sounds interesting. How can we let them embed a specific section?

I guess you could do that with url parameters. When embedding the iFrame, you add some url parameters and make sections on your page visible based on those.


How can we embed authenticated pages ?

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