How do i make this recurring event apply to all users?

I coulda made this in Bubble but it doesn’t show the arrows of how this is looping

I already missed something but that first “Schedule WF2” action in WF1 would send the list of usersDo a search for Users

The initial admin button can also just schedule WF1 for the next day at 6PM

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Thanks for that, it seems you’re connecting the two seperate systems. did you checkout my last message is sent you?

Yea if you just mean the every week on Sunday then schedule it on the next Sunday. Notice the admin button doesn’t send and lists of users, it just kicks off the workflow. The search is done in WF1 when it schedules WF2

And if you mean “xyz is true” as in only certain users get emailed then you can put a constraint on the search for Users

I am lost :frowning: i don’t understand how that makes sense, you want to link two seprate unrelated features together ? why? you want to do the push notification thing within this email system? just following your diagram shows that the weekly email would be getting rescheduled every day for some reason. Can we just forget the push notifcation every day thing and just build the weekly email thing.

No no no, pretend this is just the email workflow, pretend that notification workflow doesn’t exist.

  1. You press a button to kick off this loop for the first time (no paremeters to send or anything)
  2. WF1 schedules WF2, then reschedules WF1 for the next day (yes I know emails go out once a week but pretend they go out daily)
  3. When it scheduled WF2, it sent a list of users over to process (A search for Users)
  4. Now WF2 has it’s own loop where it goes one by one sending the email to each users.
  5. Now the WF2 list has completed so it just stops.
  6. Meanwhile WF1 was scheduled for the next day so it all starts over again at 6PM

is WF1 and WF2 both a backend workflow?

Yes it is

Your admin button just schedules WF1 for the next day at 6PM or whatever time

Where’s the thing that make it only send it on a Sunday?

Let’s take this step by step:

Is this right?

That’s in WF1 (backend) where it reschedules itself you just change the time to what you want (Current date/time + 7 days, IDK) As well as the initial schedule

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