How do i trigger front end workflow from backend workflow?


I don’t know if this is possible, but I am building an app that will receive webhooks back from stripe. I will like to trigger a front-end workflow when these webhooks come in. These front-end workflows are mostly Element based, which of course you can’t trigger from back end.

Example: When a received webhook payment status = Failed; Display “Error Popup”
When a received webhook payment status = Success; Display “Success Popup”

Thanks in advance

To achieve this I usually change a field in the user’s thing and in the front end have a condition that runs every time this current user’s thing changes, that triggers the front end’s wf


nice, Let me try that out. Thanks

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Do you have a specific way your do this?

In these situations I prefer to have a notification ‘bell’ or something like that. Rather than interrupt the user with a popup.

On the page the element has a count of ‘notifications’ or whatever and your webhook creates one of these.

The bell icon then goes red when there are unread notifications.

But you can do it on the page by setting a workflow to always trigger and show a popup in the same method as above.

Alternatively you could use the function that ‘Watches’ a field for changes.

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Thanks @NigelG
What function “watches” a field for changes?

Same issue here. This works but sadly sooo slow for volume :sob: I wish I could map a custom state on the page from the back end somehow :thinking:


Agree, this is really a missing feature. Listeners on the DB are way to slow.

My usecase: backend generates markers for a map, frontend adds them. Takes forever because of the trigger delay.

This is quite a crucial feature missing in bubble