API Workflow webhook to trigger page Workflow

Hi All -
What we are trying to do: We would like to refresh the data on our page using a Bubble webhook.

Example: If a payment is made, for example, the payment platform can follow our webhook and refresh the Bubble user’s dashboard

To do this, we have created an API Workflow that triggers with POST, such that if the webhook is followed it will signal Bubble to refresh

Unfortunately, we can’t figure out how to make it trigger a ‘refresh’ workflow on our page itself. We created a custom workflow in the relevant page that can refresh, but we can’t trigger that custom workflow from the backend_workflows.

What is the proper way to do this?

Thanks for any advice!

You cannot refresh a page from backend, but you can update data and this will automatically update in frontend/page
So let’s say you are processing a payment using stripe. You create a new payment item in DB, create the stripe request for the payment. Stripe send the webhook with the payment item in DB and you update this item status. This will update in the frontend.

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