How much "time" a State is saved?

When you have a state, and beside a triggered Schedule an API call towards the backend workflows - where a new workflow is triggered only if the state is Yes on the first place.

Does this workflow process work? Will backend workflow (one day after) recognize the state (that has triggered the whole event)?

Or the state will be lost, as when the Current user refreshes the page?

A custom state exists only on the page, so its values will be re-set anytime the page is loaded.

Does this workflow process work? Will backend workflow (one day after) recognize the state (that has triggered the whole event)?

Yes the process works, but probably not in the way you’re thinking…

If the condition is true then the workflow will be scheduled. If it’s not then it won’t.

But understand that the backend workflow is scheduled (or not) when the the on-page workflow runs, so the ‘decision’ to schedule it or not will be made in that moment - once it’s scheduled it’s scheduled, what happens after that is irrelevant (the only way to stop it from running is to cancel it)


Oh, okay! That is cool! Make sense!

Thanks @adamhholmes!

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