How to build a referral system like dropbox in bubble?


Does anybody know how to build a referral system like dropbox using points? Here’s how they did it for reference:

So whenever you finished a task, it provided with additional free storage. Wanted to do something like this. Can anyone guide?

Great idea to follow Dropbox’s referral system, following this

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@harshala did you ever get this figured out? I’m looking to do something similar.

Thinking about it at first:
A trackable referral link would be the first one I would do, each user gets some unique referral code, autogenerated would be the easiest, customizable would be harder.

If they shared on socials, you would have to have a unique link for them to use and you would have to monitor for the use of the link. Private accounts or non public posts would be hard. But they could in theory take a screenshot and submit it if they really wanted the social credit item.

If you look at what Slack does, they optionally ask for 3 or 4 emails on new user registration.

I’d be open to investigating this with you though if you wanted.

I had emailed the support and they provided me with a sample solution:

you can find its editor here and its preview here. You should enter a sample email and password to sign up; once logged in, you’ll see a referral URL that you can follow. Copy that URL, and click the “Log out” button to log out the current user; then, paste the referral URL into your browser, and sign up on the page with a different test address. You’ll note that the second sign-up will reflect that it is referred by the first user.

I think we can customize this as per our design!

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