How to change sender email id

Hi All,

How to change the sender email id while sending email via sendgrid?

I see settings for “Email sent by your app come from”, I see “Sender name”. But these are for all emails sent from the app.

And while making the call I see an option to select reply-to. But how do I change the from-email at the time of making the call to send email? I do not see that option.

Please guide.


Hi @mghatiya,

You can change the from email in the app settings under Domain/Email.

Yes, like I said I am aware of that setting “Email sent by your app come from” there. Problem is that it would mean all emails go from same id.

My question is how do I send from different email ids? I do not want all emails to go from same from address.

Oh, you’d need to use a plugin like the Sendgird plugin by CoPilot

Oh, quite a surprise that such a small thing would require a plugin.

And that too I see that that plugin has fair bit of complaints that it is not working.

API Connector

Right. I was seeing if there was a native way of doing it as it seemed quite a regular ask, and with so much existing deep integration of Bubble with sendgrid I felt it might all be there.

API integrations are always scary ones for me. Resolving oauth and what not.

Thanks though.

Yea I needed to send from multiple emails almost right away, started poking around and saw the app-wide setting for it and just facepalmed.

According to their docs there isn’t any Oauth involved, you just get an API key and include it in the headers for API calls :+1:

I eventually landed on Postmark for email

Oh okay. Thanks for the tip. Maybe I’ll check the APIs out then.

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