How to connect to a mysql database hosted on EC2

Hi All,
I was looking at “SQL Database Connector” plugin and it seems to allow connections to RDS. Is there a way I can use this plugin or any other to connect to a local MySQL database hosted on EC2?
Thanks for your time.

The SQL Database Connector just needs the connection string to contact the database. If you can connect to your database with other tools (e.g. MySQL Workbench), you should be able to use the same address and credentials to form the connection string.

Thank you Joeyg. I was able to figure out the connection strings. Thanks for your input.

If anyone else needs it, this is what I used.

mysql://:@<ec2’s Public IPv4 DNS>:3306/

Notes from bubble docs:
If there are special characters in the password, they must be URL-encoded, for instance replacing # with %23 . The rest of the encodings are listed here

On top of this, I had to open an inbound rule in my security group, to allow all connections through. Much more has been written down here.