How to disable hover effect on disabled inputs?

Perhaps this is a bug. I have a standard disabled input field, but it continues to display its hover effect despite being disabled; this is bad UX.
I’ve checked the “This input is disabled” box, and it’s using the “Standard Input” style attribute.

I thought perhaps I could modify the input’s style hover condition to be something like WHEN: This Input is hovered and This Input is not disabled, but I don’t see an option to detect its disabled state. In the docs, I see an ...isn't clickable option but it’s limited to buttons, not input fields.
States - Bubble Docs

I imagine I could create a custom state, but I just thought this should be a built-in feature. Please advise!

You just need to override the effect within the disabled condition.

For example if your hover condition uses a boxshadow, just add a boxshadow none parameter in the disabled condition and make sure the disabled condition comes after (below) the hover condition.

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