How to display a text as list / repeating group

I am calling an api and getting text. I can customize the output however i want depending on the solution i.e separated by comma’s or json format. But the whole output come out as a single response and stored in a single cell in the bubble database.


How do i display them in a multiple line list / repeating group . And also to add checkboxes beside each line.

Similar issue, still no solution: Displaying text from an API call on a repeating list

What ia the full API output? If you output a json, Bubble should parse it. But if you output the json as a string inside another JSON, it may be easier tonuse a csv. At this moment, just use :split by ,(comma) to convert your csv string into a list of text

If i add return JSON output in the prompt to the API then it returns this:

If i need normal output, it returns this:

I tried using split by but still no use:
It just returns:

This is what I was saying. The “text” key return a string value. So if you return a JSON, you need a plugin to parse the JSON.
But if you return it as a CSV (pancake,pickles,eggs) you can use :split by , (comma… but maybe comma and space according to your screenshot)

Directly from API response, it should be something like: candidates:first item (or each item)'s content's parts:first item (or each item)'s text:split by ,

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