How to do Database Query

Question 1: I want to develop a platform where someone can post a recipe and three masters chef give the point to the posted recipe out of 10. For example, User 1 posted Chicken Rice recipe and received 2 points from Master Chef-1 (M1), 5 point from M2 and 4 points from M3. User 1 should see the total of 11 points received in her dashboard. Similarly, if User 1 posted 3 recipes then it should show the total point received and list of recipes and point received from M1, M2, M3.

Question 2: User 1 can redeem the point received to buy merchandise. For example, if the user received total 46 points then she can buy a phone cover by redeeming 20 points. I want to give User 1 option to redeem as per her choice.

Please see the image for more clarification. Please tell me can I developed something like this on Bubble? If yes, then how?

Of course, bubble would be ideal to create this.

you will need the following tables.

Users (already there ) - Chefs and Master Chefs are both users, just different user types so make an option set of user types.


Score - this will store the score value, the score creator and the recipe the score is against, you can also store the recipe owner to help later on.

for the points balance you can either store a running total that is change everytime a new score is created, (the simple way) or if you are developing a proper application, you will want to store the score debits against the scores, and your balance is score total- score debt.

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Thank you nFisher for the help. :slight_smile: