I’m trying to connect a searchbox to the same datasource as a repeating group so that the results of the searchbox contain only the information in the repeating group vs. the entire table.
Is there a workaround for this?
I’m trying to connect a searchbox to the same datasource as a repeating group so that the results of the searchbox contain only the information in the repeating group vs. the entire table.
Is there a workaround for this?
So there are a few ways to do this, I just use an input instead of a Search input. Then filter it by the input.
Hope that helps!
Olá, amigo!
Estou com um problema e gostaria de receber a ajuda de vocês. No meu banco de dados o nome do cliente se repete várias vezes. Porém, quando crio um dropdow eu não gostaria que aparecesse os nomes repetidos. Você sabe como resolver isso?
Também gostaria de saber como somar e subtrair valores da tabela.
Agradeço desde já!
Have you tried using :unique elements, maybe that will help?
You can filter out results if that is what you are talking about. If you mean to remove the items from your list completely, you can make changes to a thing, find your list, and then remove an item that way.
Sorry I don’t speak portuguese.
Hope that helps!
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