How to get started?

I have a concept that I think would be extremely successful and I don’t think there is anything available like it currently. I have no idea how to go about it. I’m hoping to be able to pitch the idea to someone or a group to take it to the next level.
Any suggestions?
I know this is a very vague and newbie question but, this idea could make a huge impact on a certain very popular trend.

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Hi there, welcome! With Bubble, just about anything is possible, but while it is NoCode (I don’t know any code myself and have been Bubbling for almost 2 years) there is a learning curve.

I suggest starting out with the free lessons available here: Academy | Bubble

They will give you a really good foundation for how things work in Bubble, how to approach your database design, etc. Once you start building on your own is when it’s really going to click, but if you’re like me you’ll always be learning new and more efficient ways of doing something.