How to host files on Bubble domain

Hey guys,

I’m trying to embed a pdf using ExpressPDF.JS

The trick is, I need to serve the module’s files from my Bubble domain. If I was building a web app with code I’d just include the files in a lib folder or something. However, I’m not sure what the correct approach is with Bubble. I have files that I want to host at my Bubble domain so I can do the following in a custom HTML element:

<script src=''></script>

Any ideas? Thanks

Settings, SEO metatags, scroll to bottom

Yeah I was playing around with that, but it seems you can only upload individual files? There’d be over 100 files in this package…

Ended up hosting the files in a public S3 bucket and fighting CORS until it worked lol

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To host files on your domain, follow these steps:

  1. Add a File Uploader: In the Design tab, add a File Uploader element to your page.
  2. Upload a File: Use the uploader to upload your desired file. Bubble stores it on its servers (AWS S3).
  3. Get the File URL: After uploading, get the file’s URL using the expression:


Copy code

FileUploader's value's URL  
  1. Link or Embed: Use a button or link to access the file or embed it using the URL.

Ensure your privacy settings allow public access if needed, and files will be available under your Bubble domain! For more details plz visit GEPCO

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