How to limit access to my app to logged user?

Hi everyone !

This is the situation : I made an app (kind of social network) and the first page of it is a log in page. So each user have to log in before access to the home page.

When i turned my app online, i noticed that I could access directly to the home page using the access way (ex : in the research bar.
when i reach that page, no user is log in, i’m like a ghost in my app, but i can see the content.

So, how to make access to page limited to logged in user ?

I hope it was clear, Thank you so much !

Open a workflow on the pages you need a user to be logged in to view. It says ‘user is logged out’ that will trigger when the user on the page isn’t logged in. Then you can send them to another page with the workflow actions under the ‘navigation’ tab

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I didn’t see that in workflow !
Thank you so much!

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You’re welcome and good luck with the site!

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