hey bubblers, im need help about how to make transaction history.
like in the picture above. i want to know how i get that? account balance, history transaction and other. should i use plugin or another tool?
If you are planning on connecting to banks for transaction history you should probably be looking at a service that connects from bubble to the banks via API’s. Plaid is a good option if you are looking for US based banks, but I know that there is other providers such as plaid available for different locations.
Once you have found a provider retrieving balances and transactions should be pretty straight forward.
@pfthiessen u have reference about how to get that?maybe youtube video or other link?
this is my first work with such a transaction activity and account balanced.
Yes, here is a video connecting Plaid to Bubble. It uses a paid plugin, so maybe you want to have a look at the series of videos before buying the plugin.
I have looked at these, and I think they are quite good and well explained.
There is a few more Plaid Bubble plugins available as well, but I do not know them as well.
Agree with @equibodyapp , have a look at the different tutorials on Youtube on the editor, database and API’s, and then perhaps try and recreate the initial setup with data natively in Bubble before moving on to integrate with banking providers