I am trying to create an RG that only shows duplicates and the duplicates associated data.
So, I have a list of terms (text), rank (number), URL (text) etc. And I want to show only the duplicate terms, their associated rank, URL etc. (data come directly from Google Search Console API).
I’ve been following this post How do you check if a data in a thing has a duplicate and show them? - #19 by SerPounce by @ SerPounce and @boston85719
The approach they outline does work (kinda):
What I get back from that is indeed a list of duplicate terms (which is great), but what I can’t wrap my head around is how I get hold of the associated data e.g. rank, URL etc.
Looking at the data in the inspector all I get back is:
What I need is something more like this:
Grouping - 1:
keyword: advert script
count: 2
rank: 10
rank: 20
url: www.mysite.com/pagea
url: www.mysite.com/pageb
Grouping - 2:
keyword: basic copywriting
count: 2
rank: 13
rank: 21
url: www.mysite.com/pagec
url: www.mysite.com/paged
Is there a way of doing what I’m after?