How to reference custom state in data type field

I have an intake form with an assortment of inputs, some of which are repeating groups with content saved in custom states as explained in this post.

When the form is complete, the user clicks a button to assemble the inputs’ content and send it off to an LLM as in this video, by creating a new thing (Form Submission):

I need some help with the syntax that puts the contents of the repeating groups’ custom states into the appropriate fields (Prospect_f and Repurhcase_f) here, please.

If I understand correctly, is this field where you want to pass the custom state a database? If so, you can “do a search for” for this database , and within each specific field pass the custom state.

If you custom states are on elements that are in your repeating group, and the repeating group has 10 entries, then you have 10 custom states of the same name, which from outside of the repeating group (ie: in workflows) you can not reference each of the 10 custom states with same names.

You can use the free plugin called Orchestra to run a workflow actions on elements inside of a RG from outside of the RG, so that you can successfully capture the values of each of the custom states.

Are your custom states on elements inside of the RG? Do you need a new form submission for each entry in the RG? If so, you should use orchestra.

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