How to save your business until stability solutions are implemented

Guys, to be honest with you, I love Bubble, I really do. But when it has an outage, my clients don’t care whether I like the platform or not. Here’s my advice for those who want to stick with Bubble and not lose their business along the way:

  1. I created a copy of my database in Xano and keep it synchronized with Bubble using Xano triggers.
  2. I created a copy of my Bubble frontend in FlutterFlow, but only with the essential functions that my business absolutely needs.

My homepage is on FlutterFlow. When someone clicks on login, it redirects to Bubble only if the system is stable (I check this using BetterStack). In case Bubble is in the middle of an outage, it stays on FlutterFlow, which essentially offers the same basic functions. When BetterStack notifies me that the system is stable, I redirect users to Bubble with all available functions.

P.S. This is the only solution I’ve found to ensure my business can survive these turbulent times.
I hope this helps someone :v:t4:



Just decouple and be done with it once and for all


This would be the worst stack to work on. This is more like… how to double your work labor 101.


Dude is just trying to share something that works for him that he is hoping might help someone else. Don’t have to tear him a new one on the forum. There are nicer ways to say you disagree.


Thank u

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maybe this works for me because I have experience in all three platforms. If you guys has ideas, please share them

Just use the other one like jared said, whichever you think is more stable. Just my opinion. Like paul said, if it works for your use-case, then do it.


For anyone concerned with bubble, I highly suggest considering a supabase/weweb combo because you can self host them yourself. I imagine you could even get global distribution set up too.

If only bubble created a self hosting solution and then some big brain somewhere figured out how to globally distribute the apps and data. Ya know; with 0 set up. That’d be the life


How do you keep a copy and synchronised your database in Xano? Can you provide some steps you made to make it work?

Also why did you consider Xano over Supabase?

It depends on where you receive inputs into your database. In my particular case, I receive input into my database from the user in Bubble (I simply created an API that adds each user input to Xano), and I also receive many inputs through api that go directly into Xano (those I connect to the Bubble database using Xano triggers). I don’t have experience with Supabase; I’ve been using Xano for three years and it has been great so far

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