User clicks the login button on the Bubble login page
Auth0 handles the authentication
Auth0 redirects the user to Bubble (profile registration page) with a code and state parameters in the URL
I need to send that code (dynamically) to Xano’s /auth0/continue endpoint
In return I receive a token and user information
The problem I am facing is:
I need to include the code as a dynamic value in my API call, either as a parameter or as an Authorization header, but Bubble’s API connector doesn’t seem to allow me to inject dynamic data directly into the header.
Is there a standard way to send dynamic headers or query parameters (e.g. code) from Bubble to Xano?
Is there a best practice for integrating Auth0 → Bubble → Xano for this type of login flow?
Any help would be appreciated. I’d be happy to share a screenshot of my current workflow setup if needed.
Thank you. I don’t understand “initialize your call first.” How should I change the continue API settings? I got the code value from the URL of the page redirected after logging in and set it manually. You can only call once using the code, and a token is returned at that time. I would appreciate your advice.
In your screenshot, you can see that you didn’t initialize your call (in red). You will need to get a valid code and paste it (really fast) to api connector and initialize your call. Once it’s done, you will be able to use it in workflows and populate this dynamically using Get data from url.
But when I add this continue API to the workflow, an error message appears for some reason.
Do you know the cause of this?
I can share screenshots if necessary, so please let me know.
Could be two thing. A) You are not getting the code from the page url.
From what I see, this may be possible as you try to use open an external website that is probably the authorize url and after in the same workflow, you are trying to fetch the token.
You should remove all step after open an externa website (that is probably returning an error in issue checker anyway because this should be the last step in a workflow) and instead add a workflow on page load (when get code from page url is not empty) and process to the continue step.
You cannot use the generic redirect url if you want to manually manage the auth process. The generic url is only used if you select the Bubble user-agent auth. You are using self-handled. You could try to use a backend WF API endpoint with redirect to a page after or just set a page of your app that will contain the continue part (can be the same page that you have the authorize link (with conditionnal that detect the code in url, you could hide button to authorize page and show a loading icon)