How to set dynamic values for nested data in parameters?

Hello !
I have some problems to use nested Data as dynamic value.

Here is what i am suposed to send to the API :

  "airport_code": "LAX",
  "start_date": "2020-10-22T10:00:00Z",
  "end_date": "2020-10-29T10:00:00Z",
  "filters": {
    "type": [
      "2/4 door car"

And ere is what i have right now in my APi call :

What am i supposed to set in key and value for filters/type ?

Important points, my API call have to :

  • Use as Data
  • Only use Parameters (not Body and his dynamic values)

I still can’t make it work

No one can help me ? Any advice will be welcome :slightly_smiling_face:

Can you screenshot your entire setup. It seems your setup isn’t correct.