How to set permalinks

Hi everyone! There’s a lot of information about setting up permalinks for dynamic pages.

However, how do we set up permalinks for external-facing websites for SEO?

  1. Tried the zeroqode routing plugin. It not a permalink just a rewrite after pageload. Not useful for SEO.

  2. For navigation pages there is no Thing contents set. Cannot access the Slug field.

  3. I have a Thing containing Post with the desired slug.

The simplicity of this is escaping me.


On a page with a data object, the bubble app will try to get the data based either on the unique_id or the slug. So lets say that you have a page renderer on the “page” and have 2 pages with slugs “car”, “house”.

The link https:///page/car will be valid for the “car” page. https:///page/house will be valid for the “house” page.

The problem is if you want to use the slugs directly at root address… I don’t know how to solve that… Not sure how “index” page will handle that…