Hi everyone, I’m trying to set up a workflow where I get user notifications email sent whenever a new user take certain actions on the app (such as new user signed up, use canceled etc). What would be the best way to accomplish this? Appreciate any help on how to get started (a bit lost at the moment:)
You’d want to use backend workflows. In the backend workflows create a new API workflow with 2 parameters for example. 1) would be something like ‘eventType’ (can be a text field, Option set…) and the other parameter you’d want to call ‘user’ of type user. As an action you can send yourself an email.
Then after a certain button is clicked on one of your pages, set up a ‘schedule api workflow’. Schedule date would be ‘current date/time’. User would be ‘current user’. And ‘eventType’ would be the event that just happend. (Signup, payment…)
Or a really basic version of this would be to send the email immediatley without any API workflow. But this happens on client-side, resulting in a rougher experience for your users. As I believe it can take around 0.5-2seconds to send an email.
Hope this helps.
Thank you @oliviercoolen for the advice! Would the basic version work well when the email is only going out to me? I don’t mind the lag time. And would this use the same backend workflow you described for the api workflow? In your opinion. Is this the easiest way to set up notifications (I’v seen others use slack for this purpose). Thank you again!
Still struggling with this…I have the action send email set up but I’m confused on what the correct trigger (new user signed up) is to fire the email. Any ideas?
Not sure if I understand your Q perfectly, but it’d be the last step in a workflow after the person clicks the signup button.
the simlest way to do this is, is to add the event of “send email workflow” at the end of each action you want to receive email
But the input that is asking for the recipient email, you put your email there
Hope is helpful