How to set up custom domain?

Hi, I want to setup a custom domain. Unfortunatelly, I use another provider than in the explanation video, so I have to do it on my own. The problem is that I have hardly no knowledge about nameserver, so can somebody maybe help me with the setup.

This is the setting in Bubble:

And this is the Domain provider (it’s checkdomain)

I’d be glad to get some help :slight_smile:

Best wishes

At the bottom right of your screen shot click the “add another entry” so you have 4 rows. Then make all 4 Type A, for the bottom two make the host name “www” and put in the IP addresses from the Bubble screenshot into the Value boxes in that order

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Thank you very much :smiley:

Is this correct? (The order is generated automatically.)

Because Bubble says that there are bad DNS records.

Should I maybe also change the main IP address?

Best wishes

I’m not too sure what the Main IP Address is, did you put that there? If not save it in a txt document and remove it. And also all these changes take time to propagate, so Bubble might not show it working then it will magically start working in anywhere between 5 minutes to 24 hours (but with the few domain providers I’ve used it’s usually within 30 minutes)

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Ok thanks :smiley:
Should I also delete the IPv6 address?

Yea try removing it

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Ok thanks :smiley:

When I delete everything, I can’t save it, because there must be something in this field.

Should I maybe put the number from bubble inside it, or isn’t it an IP address?


Oh, nice, it’s working in this way :smiley:

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