How to show GPS tracked marker on a map that already displays other markers

Hello everyone,

I’m building an app for tourists to make a walking tour and listen to audios explaining the attractions. To do that, I want to show a map with several different markers that the user can click and listen to an audio. I also want to show the user geo location during the walking tour.

I managed to show several different marker for the attractions (see below)! However, I can’t display a different marker to show the current location of the user.

The way I solved this was by creating a database with an image for the marker and the address in another field. See below:

You can see that the third field is the address field. I left it blank for the marker number 99. That’s because I want marker 99 to be the user geo location. However I can’t find a way of fulfilling this field with the user current location and set a period of a few seconds to update it.

Can someone help me with this?!

Thanks a lot!


sorry for this off topic answer but I want to know how you did to change the markers icons

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Hi, Fadil,
I created a database with the images I wanted to use as icons (better with the size 20x20), as shown in the image above. When setting up the map, I selected the type of markers and the data as the name of my database, then you fill the “Address field” with the data collumn of the images you used, as below:

Hope it helped

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Hi tomas

It s helpful and whats about tye gps tracking or Two points route do have any issu i’ll thankful for your help
Best regards

The GPS tracking I solved creating a “Do every X seconds” rule where I populate the address field of my GPS tracking icon on the database, as below:

This way, the icon changes position every 7 second on the map. No animation, but it works for a walking tour.

I didn’t manage to do the two points route. I believe it is only posible if you pay for Google Maps extension.