HTML id atribute for each div within a html element

<div style="width: 24px;"></div>

<div style="text-align: center;">
    <a href="reflink" aria-label="ana sayfaya git">
        <img src="logo.png" alt="markaLogosu" tabindex="1" style="height: 40px;">

    <a href="#" aria-label="Bildirimler">
        <img src="bildirim-ikonu.png" id="bildirimler-ikonu" id="bildirimler-ikonu" tabindex="2" style="width: 24px; height: 24px;">
this is the html element i use it has 2 elements for one of them i need an id atribute which i tried o add with id="bildirimler-ikonu" i need this to have a event listener for that element which will trigger a workflow but its not working how to i add diferent id atributes within single html element?

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