Hello, I created a search system with URL parameters. First, I created a custom state “2nd Data Source” default value to “no”. When the “Search” button is clicked , the custom state 's value switch to “yes”. When this custom state’s value is set to yes, the data source of the Repeating group is “search for apps” with constraints “Bubbleappname=Get data from page URL”. I faced some problems with the search system which made me complicate things and it started to get messy. I don’t have a problem with messy, it is just after all the work, when I want to a search again, I have to press it twice. Is there a solution to this? I can’t post screenshots of all the workflows because they are many. Check the editor link: https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=index&id=e-readers123&tab=tabs-1
There are 2 issues: it is telling me to put the “Go to index page” as a last action. But if I do that, I need to press twice on the “Search” button. But right now, for the first search, I press one time and it works well. The double clicking starts when you want to perform the search function more than one time. If can anyone give me some hint or point me in the right direction, that would be great.
Any help is appreciated!
Thanks in advance!