I want to send reset email passwords using Sendgrid


I want to send reset email passwords using sendgrid, I tried creating the workflow but I don’t know if that is how you do it or If I need to go to settings and do something in the domain/email section?

Hi @12lybg,

Your “From Email Address” should be from an email address, not a URL. Something like support@yourdomain.com for example.

Yes I thought so and I finally changed it, thank you but to send reset email passwords using sendgrid is this the right way to do it? And is it correct what I typed under subject?

Typically what you do is you put the link to the password reset link in the body of the email rather than the subject.

But I didn’t see Body in the tab, only Subject

Or is it in the template where I need to do that?

In Sendgrid

I know but I wanted to know if is there where I have to type the information I’ve typed under subjetc.

Yes, using variables

If you don’t mind could you show me an example?

In your template (on SendGrid), you can add variables like email, name, “reset code” and more.

You then add that “variable” id to your template API call, and assign the values you want to be sent to the template.

I do not use SendGrid at all as full transparency, but when I did, this is how I did it.

IMO Loops or Resend are the best out in the market for transactional emails, and of course my mailer would be MailGun or SendInBlue

Hello, when you say that I need to add that variable id to the api call, you mean that I need to add the Id of the template where it says template id in the workflow tab in bubble?

And I’m lost when you say that I need to assign the vaules that I want to be sent to the template, I don’t know what the values would be or where to assign them.