Icons in text not showing

When I implement icons in text (like “[fa]flag[/fa] This is a test”), the icon shows on the page in debug mode but doesn’t when I remove everything past the “?” on the URL. Why is this happening? Will the icons be visible when the page is live?

Here’s my editor https://bubble.io/page?type=page&name=icons&id=kbforum&tab=tabs-1
Here’s the page with debug mode ON (you should see the icon) https://kbforum.bubbleapps.io/version-test/icons?debug_mode=true
Here’s the page with debug mode OFF (you should not see the icon) https://kbforum.bubbleapps.io/version-test/icons?debug_mode=true

I’m using Chrome on a Mac, my version of bubble.is is version 3.


I think you accidentally copied the same URL twice there, but I removed the debug mode and verified that the icon disappears. That might actually be a bug you should file!

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll file a ticket.

This same issue occurred with me. I had to remove the icon’s and just put them next to the text. Following this topic to see if the bug is fixed.

You have to include at least one font awesome icon element for the library to be loaded.

So just put one random icon on the page and hide it?

Don’t hide it. Just make transparent

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